Today is the International Day of Memory. We remember not just the six to eight million Jews killed by the Nazis but all of those who died in the gas-chambers and work camps, in the massacres, in the torture chambers. They included communists, socialists, anarchists,...
Translator’s Introduction It is, I believe necessary to rescue Joyce from the industry he created. I don’t know of any other writer who who has given employment to so many scholars with the possible exception of Shakespeare, who has had a longer run at it. Joyce...
Regeneration is Ongoing William Wall This article first appear on Irish Left Review in 2011 The death of Rachel Peavoy in Shangan Flats, Dublin, on the night of January 10th 2011, a bitterly cold night in the coldest winter in living memory, stands in so many ways as...
Water And Its (Dis)Contents Thursday 5 July 2018 15:39 Water and its (Dis)Contents First published in Studi Irlandesi (Forence, Issue no. 5) The watery hazes It’s a foggy morning in Ireland as I begin this essay. The newspapers report weather warnings from the...
The Death of Neoliberalism In the Pandemic Monday 13 April 2020 11:48 The death of neoliberalism during the pandemic What are states for? For the rich 5% or for the people? David Harvey describes neoliberalism as a set of ‘political-economic practices that proposes...