Translation: Gramsci, Buttigieg and James Joyce

Translator’s Introduction It is, I believe necessary to rescue Joyce from the industry he created. I don’t know of any other writer who who has given employment to so many scholars with the possible exception of Shakespeare, who has had a longer run at it. Joyce...

Review: Marching on Rome – the return of the undead

Blood and Power, The Rise and Fall of Italian Fascism by John Foot, Bloomsbury Publishing, 416 pp, £25, ISBN 13: 978-1408897942 ‘They haven’t gone away…’ In a recent article in The Guardian, John Foot suggested that the extreme right was about to win the general...

Translation: The Sirens of Ventotene

by Chiara Tagliaferri* Translated by William Wall Chiara Tagliaferri a Ventotene Imagining a prison is easy, we all have in mind what a cell looks like: bars on the window, a couple of cots (usually bunk beds), a small desk, a sink, a few posters hanging on the walls...

Water and its Discontents

Water And Its (Dis)Contents Thursday 5 July 2018 15:39 Water and its (Dis)Contents First published in Studi Irlandesi (Forence, Issue no. 5) The watery hazes It’s a foggy morning in Ireland as I begin this essay. The newspapers report weather warnings from the...